Dunbar Shed
Find us
We’re at the Dunbar Business Centre on Spott Road
The main entrance is facing Spott Road at the new pedestrian crossing and then follow the maze through to the back. Google Maps
We can show you how to use the tools so you can join in
You can bring and make or mend your own projects, help with any of the community projects like bird boxes or just have a tea and coffee in company and a warm space.
If you just need a workshop to do something then bring it along and we can all help or hopefully show you how to do it.
We’ve got a well equipped workshop and a coffee room and toilets.
Opening times
At present we’re usually open
- Monday morning 10 am – 1 pm,
- Wednesday afternoon 2 – 5 pm
- Wednesday evening 6 – 8 pm – beginners woodturning, by arrangement.
- Saturday 10 am – 1 pm
If you have skills you can offer to share then you’ll also be most welcome.
Contact us
You can get in touch with us by email at info@dunbarshed.org.uk